Sunday, May 10, 2015

Art in the City - Fancy Animal Carnival

Fancy Animal Carnival - Eagle Dove of Peace and Buffalo bw by roland luistro, on FlickrI was dragging my feet to go to Civic Center the other day because I was summoned for a Jury Duty. Something caught my attention as I was walking from the Civic Center BART to the Cityhall.

A new outdoor sculpture exhibition was on display that week. I had time to snap photos because I got to Civic Center early. The sculptures were amazing!

I learned that the exhibition is composed of 19 animal sculptures by artist Hung Yi. 

After getting off the Civic Center BART station, I was walking on Larkin St. to get to my Jury Duty venue when I saw the displays. The first set of sculptures I saw were called the Animal Circus.
Fancy Animal Carnival - Animal Circus Fancy Animal Carnival - Animal Circus bw

Most, if not all, of the sculptures are made of baked enamel on steel plate, granite of different sizes. I find the designs elegant and at the same time refreshing. Looking at the sculptures made me happy and upbeat considering I was going to a Jury Duty. The  design is a mix of modern bold colors and Asian tranditional arts. If you look closely, there is also humor in the design. 

Here one of the designs upclose.
Fancy Animal Carnival - Upclose

Here's a virtual tour of the exhibit.

Sharing Elephant.
Fancy Animal Carnival - Sharing Elephant Fancy Animal Carnival - Sharing Elephant bw

Eagle Dove of Peace and Buffalo
Fancy Animal Carnival - Eagle Dove of Peace and Buffalo Fancy Animal Carnival - Eagle Dove of Peace and Buffalo horn
Fancy Animal Carnival - Eagle Dove of Peace and Buffalo bw

Money Frog
Fancy Animal Carnival - Money Frog Fancy Animal Carnival - Money Frog upclose

Auspicious Triple Sheep
Fancy Animal Carnival - Auspicious Triple Sheep Fancy Animal Carnival - Auspicious Triple Sheep bw

Dragon Fortune
Fancy Animal Carnival - Dragon Fortune Fancy Animal Carnival - Dragon Fortune front

Ox Patient and Fortune Cat
Fancy Animal Carnival - Ox Patient Fancy Animal Carnival - Fortune Cat

Loyal Dog and Horse Wealthy
Fancy Animal Carnival - Dog Loyalty Fancy Animal Carnival - Horse Wealthy

Jubilant Double Sheep
Fancy Animal Carnival - Jubilant Double Sheep

Giraffe Fortune
Fancy Animal Carnival - Giraffe Fortune Fancy Animal Carnival - Giraffe Fortune bw

It was organized and privately funded by InSian Gallery and the Swinging Skirt Golf Foundation. It was coordinated by the Office of the Mayor, the San Francisco Arts Commission and the Recreation and Park Department.

The exhibit was on display between April 17, 2015 through May 7, 2015. 


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