Just recently, I received a birthday card from my mom, my siblings and their kids. It was so touching and absolutely unexpected. (Thanks Ma and sibs!) It could easily be one of the best birthday gifts!
There is something personal, classy and timeless in a card with a postmark on it. Imagine and compare these - getting an email from a friend who is visiting Paris or getting a postcard mailed from Paris by the same friend.
It must be the smell of the ink, the texture of the paper, the distinguishing quality of the stamps that have been worn out by the arduous process of stamping the letters, sorting, then delivering them.
Did you know that I send myself postcards when I travel abroad? Part of my touristy experience is a visit to the postal office and of course, sending the postcards complete with the stamps.
The birthday card I just received came in an envelope with five or six small stamps affixed. Not just metered stamps but real stamps! I get excited about things like this. Why not try sending a postcard when you travel and rediscover the difference?
To see the rest of my stamp project, click here.
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