Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Street Food in the City - SoMa StrEAT Food Park

SOMA StreatFood - TrucksMijo was hungry and he wanted to have a late lunch  somewhere where we can sit outdoors.  It was a warm Saturday afternoon and we were both craving for something light, on the cheap and somewhere we haven't been.

I thought of SoMa StEat Food Park right away.  This place rocks!

I first heard about this place from a friend's Facebook check-in a couple of days earlier. The food park is located on the 400 block of 11th St. across from Costco. We had to first do a survey of the place because there were 10 food trucks serving a variety of meals - from Hawaiian barbeque to sliders that day. They have a different rotation of food trucks daily so the food here are different everyday.

After a few rounds, we narrowed down our choices to two. My choice was Indian food and   Middle Eastern was Mijo's. Aren't we too predictable?

This is the DOSA Republic truck delicious Indian food. I ordered mini-Samosas and a plate of chicken curry.

SOMA StreatFood - Dosa

SOMA StreatFood - Samosa Bits

SOMA StreatFood - Indian Plate

Here is what their seating area looks like. Very airy and music gives you that club or bar vibe.

SOMA StreatFood - Seating Area

Mijo chose Sunrise Deli's Middle Eastern plate.

SOMA StreatFood - Sunrise Deli
SOMA StreatFood - Middle Eastern Plate

We kind of got excited and ordered too much. The next time we go, we will just share one plate. Since we liked it here, there will definitely be a next time.

The park is open everyday serving lunch and dinner. 
You can follow them via Tweeter @SoMaStrEatFood, via Facebook or their website at http://www.somastreatfoodpark.com/.


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