It is too much if I have to wear four layers. It is too much if I have to wear a pair of gloves and a hat. Where has the mild winter gone to? This is too much for someone who just came back from sunny, warm, paradise. By spending Christmas in the Philippines, I thought I skipped the coldest and longest night of the year. Apparently, more cold nights are coming.
I am back to my routine. The party is over. Since I am staying indoors to keep myself warm, this weekend is probably a good time to start reading the books I had bought earlier. Maybe review my basic Italian from ITAL1A before I start ITAL10A for Spring Semester. Anything just to keep myself busy. Homesickness is setting in already.
~ ral
(The photo of a hawk bathing in sunshine was taken around the backyard. I work from home on Mondays and Fridays and I was taking a quick break when I spotted the bird behind the leafless trees. I quickly but quietly ran to the bedroom to get my camera and my 300mm zoom lens. How often do you see a hawk in your backyard, in the city? This is priceless.)
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