My friend Rey got engaged recently (congrats Rey!) so Caloy, Rey and I got together for breakfast so we can get the scoop and the plans for the wedding.
Rey and Caloy have not been to The Garden Court so I thought this venue would be perfect to talk about the details of the wedding plan. The food was great, the service topnotch and friendly and the ambiance classy!
Two weekends ago, San Francisco's Japantown hosted the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. I've always wanted to come and see it but it always coincides when I am on call at work.
This year, the on-call happened early on so I was able to see the opening day. I loved it!
I was walking around Union Square earlier this week and saw a Tcho store inside the San Francisco Mall. Lots of chocolates to choose from. To make my selection easier, I decided to pick their Tcho-A-Day jar.
This is why this week, Mijo and I are enjoying Tcho's PureNotes Tcho-A-Day dark chocolates.
Mijo and I have been out of the country and we miss the Bay Area. We are fortunate to be able to see the other parts of our beautiful world but we are glad to be back home.
No better place to go to experience the Bay Area other than the wine country. Sonoma County to be exact and a delicious lunch at The Girl and The Fig.