What would you do if you win the lottery for over 100 million dollars? Would you quit your job and retire early? Would you build a foundation to help your favorite charity? Would you get your dream car or fund your dream business?
On Monday, I went to our neighborhood liquor store to get a lottery ticket since my last one a long time ago. My first question was how much is a ticket nowadays? The guy at the store smilingly answered a buck. I can only imagine what he was thinking about me and none of them are any good. Or he probably got a lot of similar questions that day from first time ticket buyers? Welcome to lottery fever!
For this week, we are trying a coffee called Bourbon roasted by Santa Cruz Coffee Roasters from Santa Cruz, California. Whenever we go to Santa Cruz for a weekend we always dropby this local cafe after dinner or during snacks in the afternoon. So the last time we were there, we decided to buy a bag of beans to bring home with us.
Mijo and I finally managed to find a weekend to use the Gift Certificates we got for Christmas. (Thanks Judy and Joe!) - a cooking class session at Kitchen On Fire! Kitchen on Fire or KOF is a company based in Berkeley that specializes in cooking classes and workshops. I wanted to signup for a KoF cooking class in February, in time for Valentines, but we were both busy with pager duties at work last month. Mijo even carried their pager for three straight weeks. (Unbelievable!) Luckily, there was one class that I found very intresting in their March calendar. After a couple of phone calls, we were able to register in their Italian Breads Workshop with Chef Maria Capdevielle.
We just tried a new sushi place in our sleepy neighborhood Glen Park called Tataki Canyon. It is in the old Red and White and Sel et Vin location on Chenery St. While the food was super delicious and bordering on noveau sushi, I was absolutely touched by their focus on sustainable seafood use.