He chanced upon it while walking with out-of-town friends in the Italian neighborhood of the city. He's read about it before although he never really saw it in person. He didn't know what to make out of it. Do they resemble birds? But they look like books. They say the name of this art installation references ancient languages used to communicate with the divine. He was reminded of the men and women in the Old Testament who spoke and heard God. Click. Click. He took a couple of photos and headed to the restaurant famous for its garlic. He looked back to see for the last time. He couldn't get Moises, Noah and the others out of his mind, and how he truly envies them. ~rl
(This photo was taken in San Francisco's North Beach district. The Language of the Birds is a permanent art installation by Brian Goggin, with Dorka Keehn and can be seen on the corner of Broadway and Columbus Streets in San Francisco)