Regardless of the climate, the first part of my summer has been busy so far. Pride, as always, was crazy and I'm glad it is over. We are having the downstairs renovated into a private office slash guest room with a full bathroom. It is exciting to see it take shape. I didn't enroll for the summer semester so I devote my time to reading, gardening, cooking, taking photos, and other things that put my creativity into use. Recently, I've been contemplating going back to school to get my MBA. It is becoming clear to me that a career in Information Technology is getting extinct at least here in Silicon Valley. Let's see if I am up to studying for the GMAT.
I have accrued over two weeks of vacation and for the first time, I don't have any idea how to spend them. I'd rather sleep in and spend time at home than take a fabulous trip.
I am trying hard to get excited about the All-Star Baseball being held here in the city. I guess I am not that much of a baseball fan afterall.
(A photo of the boutiful harvest of plums from our neighbor's tree where branches go over our fence.)